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Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Forecasts Are Turning Grim

Boy, the latest forecasts are grim. Both GFS & NOGAPS push Gustav right into southern Louisiana Monday & Tuesday.

GFS pushes Hanna right up the eastern coast of Florida, Georgia & the Carolinas. NOGAPS pushes Hanna across Florida from Ft. Lauderdale to Tallahassee, hitting virtually every metropolitan area in the state, including Tampa. These different forecasts are similar enough that they can scarcely be distinguished in the models, and so either outcome is possible.

So many people in Florida might be affected by Hanna that it might be hard for everyone to escape, or get out of the way. The places that people might escape to (Mississippi, Alabama) might already have suffered damage from Gustav. An early escape might be advisable, if feasible, or start laying in supplies now.

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