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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Farewell Party At DMTC

Left: Jonathan Cagle-Mulberg, Joshua Smith, and Caitlin Kiley.

Three of DMTC's stalwart actors this season are heading off to college, so about 30 of us had a party for them at DMTC Saturday night, featuring video outtakes from their performances over the last three seasons.

Jonathan Cagle-Mulberg is heading to Johns Hopkins University in the D.C. area, for graduate-level studies in Government. Joshua Smith is headed to AMDA in the Hollywood area to study voice & theater. Caitlin Kiley is headed to the University of Arizona in Tucson (Go Wildcats!) to study musical theatre.

The best to them all!

After the party several of us sat around and idly speculated who, if anyone, at DMTC might get Elly nominations this coming Sunday night. Then we speculated who at other theaters might get Elly nominations. It was a fun game. I'd tell you what we thought, but then I'd have to kill you.....

Left: The celebrants hurriedly put icing squiggles on the ice-cream cake before eagerly devouring the slab of dessert fun.

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