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Sunday, August 17, 2008

DMTC YPT's First Summer Workshop - "Pinocchio"

Pinnochio (Gemma Vanover) and Geppetto (Will Forkin).

Coachman (Jasmin Mould).

Left: Pinnochio (Gemma Vanover) and The Blue Fairy (Nancy Kimball).

Left: Pinnochio (Gemma Vanover), Angelina (Yasmin Kochesfahani), and Antonio (Jasmin Mould).

Left: "Finale"

Left and Below: Candlewick (Kelly Ragsdale), Pinnochio (Gemma Vanover), and Gino (Brian Stewart).

Left and Below: "The Land Of The Toys" reprise.

Left: Signore Volpone, The Fox (Camila Ortiz) and Signore Gatto, The Cat (Kelly Ragsdale).

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