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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

D&D Prepares People For The Military

Annoyed veteran (and D&D player) Robert Mackey slams Michael Goldfarb's assertion that war gamers (like, perhaps those in Obama's camp) are too geeky to be trusted with the military.

(Judging from my high school friends, D&D players are actually more likely than most to become responsible soldiers):
Well, as anyone with half a brain should know, not all D&D players live in their parents' basement. Some live upstairs.

And others, the vast majority of them, became doctors, lawyers, excelled in business, the arts, and even politics. And a more than a few of them put on the uniform and stand by the colors. And more than a few of them have come back from the very wars that men like Mr. Goldfarb have sent them covered in the colors, the same colors that are given to grieving mothers, wives, and girlfriends.

Yes, Mr. Goldfarb, I play Dungeons and Dragons. And I have, in my home, a very large box filled with medals and decorations that prove my service to this nation. Where were you, sir, when your country called? Oh yes, writing for the Weekly Standard.

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