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Monday, August 25, 2008

Cutting The Hedge With Mr. O., The Homeless Vet

"Hey! Hey!"

Standing at the top of the ladder, and having just turned off the hedge trimmer, I thought I heard something, so I removed my ear protection. It was Mr. O., the Homeless Vet, sitting on an inverted bucket under the oak tree, next to his recycles cart! So, I asked him how his court date went. "They postponed it again! It's all about money anyway. They want me to pay up, but I told them 'Stand Down' pays my bills." (Presumably 'Stand Down' is some kind of Vietnam-vintage veterans service organization, but why they would pay anybody's bills is beyond me).

So, as I continued whacking at the hedge, he offered neighborhood gossip and emphasized just how hot the afternoon was (apparently he schedules regular stops behind my house every weekend because he likes the cool shade there). He even helped rake up hedge cuttings, in exchange for a Diet Sprite (sans the usual ethanol).

After offering lots of meandering commentary, he headed off to McDonalds (also on his daily neighborhood rounds), before bedding down under the freeway (his usual spot).

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