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Thursday, July 03, 2008

U of A Weather In News

Featuring old friend Mike Leuthold. Contrary to Mike, I think it's going to be a dry weekend in Tucson. Let the forecasting competition begin!:
Over at the department of atmospheric sciences, the morning briefing reaches much the same conclusion as Meyer, with one "big if" — a tropical storm south of the Gulf of California.

Tropical Storm Douglas could send a surge of moisture northward and give us a really wet weekend, said Bill Scheftic, a graduate student in the department. Scheftic is pushed by research meteorologist Mike Leuthold to make a choice. He opts for a fairly dry weekend.

Leuthold isn't so sure. He's been in contact with a couple of old weather hands by e-mail this morning. They think the tropical storm is close enough to feed us a wet weekend.

Chris Castro, assistant professor of atmospheric sciences, is also in attendance. In early June, Castro bravely predicted an early onset of the monsoon.

It's here, he said. "We've gotten rain, significant rain, in the past week."
It's a "low grade monsoon pattern," he admitted, that brings storms down off central Arizona's Mogollon Rim in a northeasterly flow.

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