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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Talking With The Can Collectors In The Alley

Nice and early (about 11 a.m.) I walked into the alley out behind the house to lay down bird seed for the daily avian feeding. E. was nervous, and I couldn't blame her: two can collectors, each with their shopping carts, were smoking and talking loudly together in the alley.

D.: (sitting on a bucket and seeing me with the bird seed) So, you're the one who does that!
M.: Yeah, I feel sorry for the birds - they need help.
D.: It's good to help others when they need it. I walk these alleys, 23 miles a day, and I always lend a helping hand to those who need it, because I'm not going to let anyone suffer. And that's why I'm exchanging my cans here with this fellow, for a visit to Sac City. He'll be able to fetch more than $4.00 for them!
L.: Thank you so very much; I'm blessed.
D.: I don't need the money - I have money - and by exchanging the cans I don't have to walk all the way over to Franklin & 12th. I help him out, because he needs the money, and he gets to hear the Word as well.
L.: Don't get me wrong - this is a lucrative business. But I could use a little more. I have a pacemaker in my chest - heart problems from cocaine use. I used to do manual labor in a warehouse, but the doctor said I have to transition out of it. I really love working with computers, but for the meantime, in between things, the cans will do just fine. (To D.) Thanks again! I'll see you Sunday at Sac City! (rolls overburdened cart away)
D.: I went to 'Nam, and was a POW. Been walking these alleys for a long time, trying to avoid following behind others, so as get to the cans first.....

E.: (low and tense from the back yard gate) MMMAAARRRCCCCC!
M.: What?
E.: Come here!
M.: Just a minute....(walk over to the gate)
E.: What are you doing?
M.: Just talking with the folks....
E.: Gosh, they're homeless! What do you think you're doing? You have to go to work!
M.: They seem nice enough.....
E.: (walking away) Won't you ever learn?

M.: So, where were we.....?
D.: Now, if I don't see that fellow at Sac City on Sunday, he owes me $4.00.
M.: Really?
D.: It was a deal! Those were good cans I gave him. This way he gets what he needs, and hears the Word as well. I've been sleeping over around 26th & X, and a new crowd has moved in - dope fiends, thieves. They don't bother me, but they might bother you, so be careful. And if you could save me a few cans, for those times early in the morning when I pass through, I'd very much appreciate it!

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