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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

E. Returns

The same couple that invited her camping near Marysville last month surprised her by heading to Santa Cruz for dinner. She eventually returned, a day late, with about $40 worth of groceries of the $120 she had set out to get.
E.: Mmmmaaaarrrrccccc, there was a seal on the beach! He had a brand on him! Isn't it illegal to brand seals? It's cruel and unusual punishment to brand cows - why not seals?
M.: I...I don't know anything about that.....Are you sure it wasn't a tag?
E.: Why do they do that?
M.: To count them.
E.: What if they disappear in the ocean?
M.: Well, then they are missing a seal.
This morning, she was tired:
E.: Mmmmaaarrrccc, I'm dizzy. Why am I dizzy?
M.: Well, yesterday you were at sea level. Here in Sacramento, you are 24 feet above sea level.
E.: Really?

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