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Monday, June 23, 2008

Amusing Animals This Weekend

Sparky, for his tunnel-minded failure to follow my lead to take a road less-traveled on the nightly walk Saturday night.

Norma-Jean's amusing Pomeranians, Gigi and Butterscotch.

The surreptitious cat who tried to squeak past me and avoid all detection as I watered plants last night (but I nevertheless noticed).

The baby possum squeaking in fear under E.'s car as Sparky growled at it last night.

But mostly the family of five scrub jays, two female and three male, who were poking amongst the dead and dessicated foxtails in my driveway. The sun had just set, and the jays were panting with the heat, but they were nevertheless finding *something* yummy to eat there. I looked where they were poking but saw only ants, whom I figured were too small to be worth bothering with even for jays. Maybe there was something else there....

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