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Friday, May 02, 2008

More Conspiracy Theories

Joe The Plumber pleaded with me: "Marc, please, dear God, don't tell me you are one of those unfortunate people brainwashed by the Warren Commission. Here, watch this DVD. You will be horrified by what is going on!" So, with a brain leaking suds, I watched a Mark Phillips/ Cathy O'Brien DVD regarding the mind control freaks in charge of this country.

Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien apparently have a long track record. In the early 90's they started off on the cranky right, but these days, they are somewhere in the cranky middle (and edging towards the cranky left) of American conspiracy theories. Examples of their leftward evolution include Diebold election rigging (I'm totally there), and even a bit about the Housing Bubble bursting (hoo! ha! up-to-date!). But, of course, they bring their right-wing baggage along with them, so their presentation was almost like a collage of turn-of-the-century American crankery.

As might be expected these evil days, Phillips and O'Brien's galaxy of evil-doers has shifted a bit from the early 90's. These days, they are not primarily Democrats, but more like a bi-partisan coalition of intrinsic evil. For some reason, they largely leave out Ronald Reagan, and they don't mention the Clintons all that much. Their current list of evildoers consists of:
  • Former President George H. W. Bush - Evil;
  • Senator Patrick Leahy - Evil;
  • Governor Mitt Romney (and his father George) - Evil;
  • Senator Robert Byrd - Evil;
  • Bill and Hillary Clinton - Evil I and Evil II;
  • Governor Bill Richardson - Fairly Evil;
  • Vice President Dick Cheney - Ultimate Evil;
  • President George W. Bush - A Hapless Pawn; and,
  • Former President Gerald Ford - The Most Evil One Of All (who knew?)

Here's a brief description of past activities:
Since 1991, Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien have alternately appalled and enthralled their growing audience with tales of mind control, programmed prostitution, ritual abuse, and worse. The handsome couple from Tennessee initially told their story to a select group of writers and journalists. Now, they spread the word via right-wing periodicals and outside-the-mainstream radio programs. They've also written a book: Trance-formation of America.

Cathy claims to be a victim of the Monarch Project, an insidious CIA/military/Satanist plan to use ritual abuse victims as mind-controlled guinea pigs. Victims of the plot, almost always female, grew up within multi-generational Satanic families. Sold by their parents to government brainwashers, Monarch kids are intentionally "split" into directed multiple personalities, useful for various criminal purposes - as spies, as drug mules, as prostitutes, and so forth. The well-developed primary personality never realizes what was done by, or to, the alter personalities. Powerful individuals with a taste for sexual excess choose their playmates from the ranks of Monarch graduates, the better to avoid after-the-fact blackmailers and tattle-talers, a la Vicki Morgan and (if you believe certain writers) Marilyn Monroe. For example, O'Brien describes in detail how one important aide to Ronald Reagan enjoyed raping her anally while using a stun device to prod her body with electric convulsions. This is the sort of fetish that might cause some concern among the voters, if ever they learned the truth. Hence, Monarch.

...Mark Phillips has offered varying descriptions of how he first learned about Monarch programming. At one point, he said he had worked for an unnamed "DIA contractor," in which position he came across various materials detailing the government's mind control projects. But in a letter to me (June 1, 1991), he claimed to have discovered the operation during his "tenure in the '60s and '70s at NASA (Huntsville, Alabama) and Woodland Hills R&D (Woodland Hills, California)" I have lived near Woodland Hills most of my life, yet have never heard of any such corporation, which remains a mystery to everyone else I have consulted. (A call to Directory Assistance came up goose eggs.) Phillips seems rather too young to have worked in a sensitive position at NASA in the 1960s. He supposedly "retained" copies of classified documents detailing "harmonics, electroshock, hypnotic programming, mind/body conditioning (torture), (limited) drug applications for programming and deprogramming, and the names and backgrounds of the expendables (victims)." Peculiarly, he has never produced any of this confirming documentation. Nor has he produced any evidence that he ever worked for any government contractor. Independent background checks have revealed only that he has held far less impressive jobs, such as selling recreational vehicles.

...Mark Phillips claims that his "inside knowledge" allowed him immediately to spot Cathy's status as a Monarch victim. He therefore whisked her away and embarked on a deprogramming operation - although his description of "how to deprogram" seems unnervingly similar to descriptions I have read of how to instill programming. The couple traveled to Alaska, where, Cathy claims, they gave the FBI testimony concerning various entertainment figures involved in the Monarch drug conspiracy. In 1991, the couple began distributing "documented proof" of the scheme to their network of journalists, researchers, and interested parties - including myself.

Unfortunately, the only "documentation" I ever saw consisted of unsworn testimony written by Cathy O'Brien, in which she accused various political and entertainment figures of participation in the plot. Her two-to-ten page short-stories-from-hell detailed the horrific deeds (mostly involving sex and drugs) perpetrated by the likes of Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and Cathy's bĂȘte noir, Senator Robert Byrd. The entire program, she averred, was commanded by the occultist I have already labeled "Mr. A." Cathy also identified other putative Monarch victims, such as Country singer Loretta Lynn and Dodger pitcher Fernando Valenzuala, who, we are told, owed his baseball prowess to hypnosis. (Apparently the trance wore off.) Even comedian Jack Benny fell afoul of the Monarch conspiracy.

On one occasion (or so Cathy claims), she was taken to a rural retreat, where she serviced the eldritch sexual needs of then-vice president George Bush and one of his chief aides. This story's high point depicts Bush "kissing the sky" while strung out on heroin, as he repeatedly gurgles to his comrade: "You look just like Elmer Fudd!" (A wicked part of me almost wishes it were true)

...It is a very powerful conspiracy, indeed. We are told that Hollywood animators deliberately place hypnotic cue images into children's television shows, such as Disney's Duck Tales. Rock-and-roll Monarchists deliberately include hypnotic cue words in the lyrics of many popular songs. When asked why they don't bring civil charges against the Monarchians, Mark and Cathy explain that the Satanic plot controls the entire court system - just as it also controls the presidency, much of Congress, the entertainment industry, and large sectors of both the Mormon and Catholic churches. The Vatican looms large in the Phillips/O'Brien demonology. In their 1996 book "Trance-formation of America," the couple describe World Vision as a "Jesuit" conspiratorial group intent on bringing about a socialistic "New World Order." (World Vision is actually a conservative Protestant missionary group. ) Ever since our intrepid anti-Monarch crusaders discovered that their primary audience leans far to the Right, they have heavily emphasized the "New World Order" bugaboo and Mark takes pains to hide his atheism.

...In this paper, Cathy claims to have met then-governor Clinton in 1984, at a contributor's mountain retreat. All parties did mounds of cocaine while they discussed using a fleet of trucks, jestingly labeled "Clinton's Coke Lines," to run CIA drugs through Arkansas. Thus spake Bill, as per O'Brien: "Bottom line is, we've got control of the drug industry, therefore we've got control of them (suppliers). You control the guy underneath ya, and Uncle has ya covered - what have ya got to lose?" Soon after making this observation, Clinton insisted that Cathy (apparently brought in to supply "entertainment") had to leave the room, even though she was a "presidential model" capable of keeping state secrets.
Cathy O'Brien has some good recommendations regarding the importance of writing to help keep one's mind straight (that one reason I write this blog), and even about the importance of wearing a wristwatch (to keep oneself grounded in temporal reality). And I liked Phillips' and O'Brien's admonition that one can't run and hide from the black hats: instead, one has to stay out in the open and run right at the evildoers with the truth. That's always good advice (except maybe with South-Central LA drug gangs, and the like). But the crankery was a bit too much for me. Maybe I should become a crank myself, so I can edit out the unnecessary stuff (and who says I'm not one already on this blog?)

So, long-winded DVD, but interesting nonetheless.

And if you don't mind, I must wrap this post up, because my handlers at Area 51 are calling me on my new (microchip-implanted) cell phone and asking why I didn't even mention Roswell....

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