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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Light Blogging

Things have been so light at work that, instead, I've been taking time to:
  • try to figure out how to integrate E.'s mountain o'crap into the household;
  • clean up stuff;
  • move furniture;
  • get Joe the Plumber to fix a leaking faucet; etc., etc.

My general philosophy is that one should always be prepared to move at the drop of a hat, and so I've been slamming things into boxes, awaiting the apocalypse, should it ever happen.

Joe's been very helpful, of course. Since Joe is now homeless again, we aren't quite as busy as we should be. Instead, I listen to Joe talk up his own plumbing skills and spin conspiracy theories over spaghetti at Crepe Escape. Plus, we left his dogs, Bella and Duncan, in the yard with Sparky while we went to go get spaghetti, but these dogs were so robust they easily outwitted the back yard gate, escaped, and attracted attention far and wide from concerned neighbors and passersby who didn't want to see the dogs get run down in the street.

So, I'm getting stuff done, but at a lackadaisical pace, and covered in dog slobber.

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