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Saturday, May 31, 2008

From The E. Files

From a 1989 Sacramento County Sheriff's Incident/Information report:
1129 hrs., 06/26/89, Monday. I arrived at xxxx Rollins Way in
Sacramento in regard to an assault report. I contacted E., and she
related the following in summary:

Her next door neighbor at xxxx Rollins has a small puppy which barks all
the time. She tried to talk to her about the dog in the past, and it
apparently has not done any good.

This morning at approximately 9:30, she again went next door to contact her
in regard to the dog.

After knocking at the door, the neighbor rudely answered it and began
yelling at her about the dog and telling that she was not going to get rid of
the dog no matter what she said.

E. tried to talk to her rationally, but the lady only screamed and yelled
at her. She finally slammed the door in her face.

This made E. angry, and she made a retort, something to the effect of
"stupid" as she turned to walk away from the door. The lady jerked the
door back open and came running out to her, pushing her down the walkway as she
yelled at her to get off the property and not come back. The lady wouldn't
give her a chance to even walk away or answer her as she continued to yell at

E. then came to her residence and contacted authorities.

There were no witnesses to the incident.

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