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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Entropy And The Odyssey

The last two days I've been doing housework and wrassling with furniture.

Part of the problem is E.'s difficulty with clothes. She has too many to begin with, and she doesn't have enough places to store them. The obvious answer is to give some away, but instead, she buys more. And gets more clothes out of storage. Like a geyser of clothes, her bedroom is.

After cleaning clothes, she neatly folds them, but doesn't - can't - put them away. Instead, they accumulate on her bed, until there is now a veritable mountain of wrinkled, yet clean clothing on the bed. The clothing makes for a good nest for her to sleep in - a cocoon of laundry - but it's annoying, because some of my clothes are admixed into the mountain. She says she'll get around to putting them away, but the mountain has been there for years. Her promises are meaningless at this point.

Today, I put some clothes from the mountain into one of the pieces of furniture recently brought into the house, what was originally designed as a buffet. I did cut the mountain down by a quarter, and even found some of my missing clothes.

There are a few more storage places available, like in her closet, but the closet's door won't open: there is a mound of clothes on the floor blocking the door. Plus, there are other mounds of clothes, like snowdrifts, on the floor. So many clothes, and so few storage locations! It's been five years since the bedroom's floor was cleaned, if I'm not mistaken. But today was a start.

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