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Friday, May 09, 2008

C of C Mixer & YPT Outreach

Nice time at the Davis Chamber of Commerce Mixer yesterday evening, hosted this month by DMTC. Even sat in on auditions for the outreach program being run by Jeni Price. Nothing like breaking all the rules, sitting in the seats with a glass of wine, and listening to the YPT performers sing. Then afterwards, I raced off to burn the wine off in aerobics!

Jeni just sent out more about this outreach program. Publicity is an important need:
As you may know, I have been implementing an outreach program to areas schools. We offer Beginning and Advanced Teen-Led Musical Theater Workshops. I also coordinate sporadic outreach (in the form of providing entertainment) to non-profit community groups - like Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) and Yolo Foster Parents. I find these activities fairly easy to put on, extremely well-received, fun for all, and an excellent community service opportunity for our youth.

I am committed to continuing these activities for the next season, but I am looking for like-minded helpers in these endeavors. Currently Jan helps lead both the beginning & advanced school outreach, Mary Jo leads advanced (and I often ask her to bring music and keyboard), and parents of participating actors provide transportation and sometimes do publicity or taking of photos.

I would like to have a list of people I can go to for help in a few areas that I consider my weak points and to broaden the outreach program:

Publicity - fliers, photo or other documentation of outreaches DMTC board representation transportation technical - sound recordings & system, keyboard outreach contact/coordination with school sites help direct students at school sites for at-school productions

I also welcome anyone who would like to try their hand at these workshops - as long as you like to interact with kids, you would be successful. Feel free to come watch our next outreach on Monday May 12, leaving the theater at 8:30 am for Esparto, back by noon. On the same note, you can come watch our 30 minute training session for the Teen Outreach Leaders this Saturday from 9:15 am ish- 9:45 at the theater.

Thanks for your consideration.
Jeni Price
YPT Outreach Coordinator

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