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Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Utility Of A British Accent

I wonder if I could do something similar in the UK?:
A British holidaymaker with no acting experience bluffed his way on to a film set in a Las Vegas casino and was asked to act in a scene with Gwyneth Paltrow.

Carl Kelly, 29, of Knebworth, Hertfordshire, told security that he had left his pass inside the set and was believed “because I had a British accent”. He sat down with the other extras and, several hours later, was called to do a scene with Ms Paltrow.

He said yesterday: “Some 38 takes later, I think they were getting pretty fed up with me — but that’s what happens when you let an untrained nobody into your film.”

The salesman, who had been staying at Caesars Palace after watching the boxer Ricky Hatton take part in a world title fight last June, now appears in the background of promotional images for the science fiction thriller Iron Man.

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