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Friday, April 18, 2008

Our Hearts Reach Out....

Our heart-felt sympathies and prayers for Andy & Susan (& Gracie) Sullivan at this difficult time.....

from Marc (and the rest of the DMTC family, and the Magic Circle family as well...)
As most of you know, Sue and I were blessed to have a precious little girl delivered Sunday morning. She was delivered at 24 weeks gestation, about 4 months short of full term. It was a pretty dire situation, but out little Gracie came out fighting. That was the most consistent comment from the N-ICU team of doctors and nurses. Every time we went down there, she was groovin' and dancing away. Sue said that was very much like what was happening before delivery.

Doctors say that micro-preemies (as ours was) honeymoon for a couple of days, then the problems kick in. The first 24 hours and the first 7 days are the true tests to see how the baby does in the world. The honeymoon ended Tuesday night....

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