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Monday, April 14, 2008

Mixing Up Your "Frames"

I'm sure Davis was trying to bitch-slap Obama, and contrast McCain's age and (supposed) judgement to Obama's youth and (supposed) inexperience, but boy (there's that word again!), it's easy when race is mixed up in politics to make mistakes (as Bill Clinton also found out during the South Carolina primary):
You don't call a black man a "boy" when you're from the south, unless you're intending to harken back to the racist language of slavery, and then segregation, when all black men were called "boy" as a prejudiced pejorative. Even worse, the GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell was there when it happened. Here's what Rep. Geoff Davis (that's really his name, talk about irony) R-KY had to say about Obama:

"I'm going to tell you something: That boy's finger does not need to be on the button," Davis said.

Again, in southern speak, everyone knows what "boy" means when it's said about a black man.

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