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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Joe Klein Coming Around

For years, Joe Klein exemplified everything that was wrong with the mainstream media. Slowly, but surely, he's coming around. Must be all that Bush hype gone sour. As Matthew Yglesias notes:
Things like Joe Klein's treasonous call for fewer Kagans and more knowledge is the sort of irresponsible hysteria we've come to expect from the anti-American Left. As everyone knows, the main problem in Iraq (aside from MSM efforts to only report bad news in the hopes of encouraging attacks on our troops) has been in insufficient number of Kagans. If we could replace the entire military presence in Iraq with an Army of Kagans in a 20 Kagans for every 1,000 Iraqis ratio, then our problems would rapidly be solved.

We need, in short, more Kagans, not fewer. And as much ignorance as possible which, of course, additional Kagans could also supply.

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