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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ionosphere Check

For those of you with Google Earth, there is a new application whereby one can check the status of the ionosphere. For example, just click 'Total Electron Density' on this Web Page and see what the Total Electron Density is (higher today above the eastern tropical Pacific).

More information here:
Today, NASA-funded researchers released to the general public a new "4D" live model of Earth's ionosphere. Without leaving home, anyone can fly through the layer of ionized gas that encircles Earth at the edge of space itself. All that's required is a connection to the Internet.

"This is an exciting development," says solar physicist Lika Guhathakurta of NASA headquarters in Washington, DC. "The ionosphere is important to pilots, ham radio operators, earth scientists and even soldiers. Using this new 4D tool, they can monitor and study the ionosphere as if they're actually inside it."

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