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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Salacious Details

Elliot Spitzer's crazy sex scandal is chockful of steamy, seamy detail. But what got me was the NY Times getting, on record, a major donor's sudden realization that he was unwittingly involved as well:
The law enforcement official said that several people running the prostitution ring knew Mr. Spitzer by the name of George Fox, though a few of the prostitutes came to realize he was the governor of New York.

Mr. Fox is a friend and donor to Mr. Spitzer. Asked in a telephone interview Monday whether he accompanied Mr. Spitzer to Washington on Feb. 13 and Feb. 14, Mr. Fox responded: "Why would you think that? I did not.”

Told that the Room 871 at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel was registered in Mr. Fox’s name but with Mr. Spitzer’s Fifth Avenue address, Mr. Fox said, "That is the first I have heard of it. Until I speak to the governor further, I have no comment."
Boy, journalism never gets better than that!

The ultimate impact of this on Democratic Party politics is hard to project. The bimbo eruption came so suddenly that there was no time for the steady, erosive drip-drip of information that usually does so much damage. So, for the moment, the damage is bad, but still contained: they just seal off that deck on the Star Cruiser and hope for the best. Nevertheless, this Emperor's Club had other big-name clients, some of whom may be even more interesting than Elliot Spitzer, so, we'll see what happens....

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