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Monday, March 10, 2008

Paying-The-Bills Blues

There is constant interplay between community musical theaters like DMTC, and the various royalty companies that hold the rights and own the materials from which theaters spin fantasies into reality. Scripts are constantly being shipped for inspection, lost musical books are being returned as others are being rented, royalties are being paid, contracts are being signed and fees assessed, and thousands of dollars are changing hands. Thus, it is little surprise that what money DMTC sends them sometimes doesn't quite match what they require, and that I, in my capacity as DMTC Treasurer, end up with a past-due bill for $57.31 that requires payment. The past-due notice reads, in part:
Our goal is to work with you to reconcile your account, however, understand, that failure to respond to this norice may result in your account being put on credit hold and we may require pre-payment for future orders.
This isn't even grammatical! Norice? Norice? What is this, a Charlie Chan audition?

The norice continues:
Note: Please don't be confused by this statement - your original invoice showed our New York address (which is still correct), however, for this account, we would appreciate it if you would send all remittace to our Los Angeles office....
Remittances! Remittances! Spell it properly! OK, I promise I won't be confused by this norice, provided it is written in proper English.

(I must be slowly turning into Henry Higgins....)

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