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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Vote For Mad Max

Well, that's what Gabe says:
If Mad Max is not elected President of these United States and our Republic in 2008, the next four years will see Congress continue to tax our hard earned Social Security, pass legislation raising taxes, fail to protect our borders, give amnesty to over 25 million illegal aliens, ban and confiscate all guns and ammo, and continue the Wars, along with starting yet another war with Iran.

Now what part of that don't you like or understand?
Well, not today. I voted an hour ago for Rush Limbaugh's Magic Negro instead. Gabe replies:
No voting early and often? What a shame…
Yes, I'm letting my Democratic heritage slip, but I'm busy today, and can't vote more than once.

Actually, I'm worried about how quickly votes from Sacramento will be counted. There was a report in the Sacramento Bee (can't find the link) indicating that optical scanners will not be used, because of new problems that have developed there, so vote counting will be done manually, which means a very slow count. Indeed, I noticed the absence of an optical scanner at the polling place for the first time in several years. Patience, a rare commodity, will be required by those hungry for results. Now what part of that don't you like or understand?

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