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Friday, February 08, 2008

That Long-Suffering Martyr, Bill Clinton

Puh-leeze! Bill, you can defend your wife all you want. What we don't want is any more is "factually-correct" rubbish that follows time-honored, long-established, race-baiting tactics in the South. As you well know from a long, sorry history, all you need to do is paint one candidate as the "negro candidate," and leave it at that. By default, the other candidate is the favored, majority, white candidate, and you leave it to the good, racist voter to choose sides.

You aren't stupid, Bill. Why do you think we are stupid?

And this stuff about not interfering with "strong" Cabinet members in a HRC Administration - you can drive a truck through that loophole!:
Former President Clinton says he's learned a valuable lesson from the dustup over his remarks on the campaign trail - he can promote his wife's presidential candidacy, but he's not free to defend her.

Clinton also said that everything he said in South Carolina about Illinois Sen. Barack Obama was "factually accurate," but a lot that has been said about what he said is "factually inaccurate."

...Later, campaigning for his wife in South Carolina, Clinton suggested an Obama victory there would be a racial one, like the Rev. Jesse Jackson's twenty years ago.

Critics accused Clinton of injecting race into the Democratic campaign.

"A lot of the things that were said were factually inaccurate," Clinton said. "I did not ever criticize Senator Obama personally in South Carolina. ... But I think whenever I defend her, I, A, risk being misquoted, and, B, risk being the story. I don't want to be the story."

While he's toned down his defense of his wife, Clinton said he doesn't intend to stop campaigning for her even though some critics have suggested it's inappropriate for a former president to take sides in a nomination race.

...If his wife is elected president, Clinton said he will not interfere with her work or her advisers.

"I will do what I'm asked to do," Clinton said. "I will not be in the Cabinet. I will not be on the staff full-time. I will not in any way interfere with the work of a strong vice president, strong secretary of state, strong secretary of treasury.

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