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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sultry Weather

I remember once getting a random phone call from what sounded like a teenaged girl. "Would you have sex with me?" she asked. I replied, "Not tonight, honey, I have a headache," and I hung up.

Sounds like that excuse wasn't sufficient here....
A SEX-starved woman could be jailed after making 700 calls to the emergency services, an army base and the town council demanding a man for sex.

Hanna Wozniak, 42, from Koszalin in central Poland, could be jailed for up to a year.

After police traced the calls back to her home, she told them: “I was desperate for sex. It’s been so long since I had someone in my bed.”

Police who said she had been charged with wasting emergency services’ time and making threatening phone calls said she had told phone operators that she would happily start a fire if it meant a hunky fireman would come round for sex afterwards.

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