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Sunday, February 03, 2008

Scott Griffith's Birthday Party

Excellent time with some of the DMTC crew, celebrating Scott's birthday at the new house in West Sacramento. Not sure how old he is: 18, 22, 26; something like that.... He does seem rather timeless....

Prior to arriving at the party, however, I had misremembered the house number and we ended up at a different house, about a block away from the proper address. An older couple, deeply responsible and eager to help the wayward travellers on their doorstep, appeared perplexed about a neighbor they had not yet heard of.

The woman said, "We've lived in this house for fifty years. We bought this house for $12,000! The neighbors across the street recently sold their house for $383,000. Isn't that terrible? But we have never heard of anyone named Griffin."

"Griffith," I repeated. "Scott Griffith."

The man looked through a drawer and told his wife, "Dear, we have three yellow page directories for West Sacramento here, but no white page directories. This directory indicates that there is someone named Griffin living in Natomas, however."

"Griffith," I repeated. "Scott Griffith."

"Maybe the Takahashis know someone named Griffin," she replied. "They've lived in this neighborhood for years and they know everyone."

After making a phone call, I got my memory updated, and we left for the proper address, leaving the couple eager to get to know their new neighbors, the Griffins.

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