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Monday, February 25, 2008

Santa Ana Wants Corrales Turkeys' Wild Sex Stopped

The balkanized politics of north-central New Mexico leads to no end of insoluble dilemmas:
Village officials were cautiously sympathetic to representatives of Santa Ana Pueblo who asked that Corrales get rid of the wild turkeys here which hook up with the pueblo’s native turkeys.

The Pueblo is trying to establish flocks of Merriam turkeys in the middle Rio Grande region, and at least 54 of their released turkeys are known to have migrated off of the reservation.

“The Pueblo understands that a group currently residing in Corrales comes into contact with Santa Ana’s wild turkeys from time to time,” according to Glenn Harper, speaking for the Pueblo.

...But Corrales’ wild turkeys, hanging out mostly in the Bosque Nature Preserve and in nearby agricultural fields, are quite popular among villagers.

During the summer months a flock of turkeys gobbles down raspberries at the Heidi Eleftheriou-Dough Findley berry patch adjacent to the bosque. Scurrying down the rows of berry bushes, the wild turkeys are a major attraction when the farmers open their field to pick-it-yourselfers.

...Harper urged a public education effort to convince CorraleƱos and other residents in this region not to feed or encourage non-Merriam feral turkeys.

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