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Friday, February 29, 2008

It's The Potash

I feel GOOD! In fact, I feel AWESOME!

Yesterday I took the "Get Fit Jam" aerobics class over at Pepper Von's Step One studio, and even though I hadn't worked out that much recently, I sailed through class. Instead of feeling haggard at the end, like I sometimes do (and like the 20-somethings sometimes admit to feeling too) I was still feeling up.

But why?

Last year, my doctor informed me that my blood's potassium level was low as a consequence of taking a blood pressure control drug. Apparently the diuretic impact of the drug also strips salts from the system, including potassium salts (plus, I drink so much diet cola that that probably helps strip potassium from the blood as well). So, for the last year, I've been taking a potassium supplement.

I got a blood test in January, and the doctor called and said my potassium level was still low. So, I needed to take a second capsule of potassium chloride (KCl; aka potash, the sort of stuff they mine over there in Carlsbad, NM).

OK, so like, whatever!

Yesterday, for the first time, I took a second dose of the potash, and apparently for the first time in a long time, I finally reached the level of potassium I should have had all along....
And I'm too sexy for my hat
Too sexy for my hat
what do you think about that?

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