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Monday, February 25, 2008

Alison Checks Out The Refrigerator At Work

Alison relates: I went into the fridge today and found some interesting things - so I grabbed my camera ...scroll if you are interested....

Chicken - Check

Mushrooms - Check

Mold - Check

I saw a bean in there so I am going to guess this was once Chili?

Enchilada with a side of black mystery.

Looked like old fruit, smelled like Sangria!!!!!!

I have no idea - had the consistency of a brick, I didn’t investigate further.

Salad w/ ranch and a side of tomato.

I was smart enough NOT to open this one, but I would bet money that this was salmon or some kind of ancient sea monster.

Another shot of Nessie.

VERY dried Raspberries.

Aaaaand Last But Not Least.....the Winner!!!!

Truly active yogurt!

Happy Eating :)

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