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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Listening To The Democratic Debate

On CNN.... Hillary tells whoppers about her vote to authorize military force against Iraq, gets called on it by Wolf Blitzer, yet Obama doesn't close in for the kill.

Hillary desperately needs to get her ass handed to her next Tuesday....
Clinton asked, in the context of "judgment," why she didn't vote for the Levin amendment to tie the AUMF to the findings of the UN weapons inspectors. This is Clinton's Achilles' heel, and after a comment about not wanting to cede authority to the UN--please, that's sooooo rightwing radio circa 1993--she pivots around to try to differentiate herself from the Republicans.

Wolfie gives Obama an opportunity to respond, but puts it in the context of Petreus' claims that we've had progress in Iraq. Obama makes the correct point that there's been almost no political progress, so even though we're happy with the lessened violence, that we're not happy with the lack of political progress. Then he says it's about judgment, and he thinks he'd be the strongest nominee on national security, because he's always been right in opposing the war in Iraq.

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