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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Getting In Touch With My Feminine Side

Left: The Reverend Mother Joseph was right - these eyelashes are great!

(photo by Michael Manley).

Left: Drama Mama (photo by Michael Manley).

Today, at the end of the show, a little old lady approached me and said "It was a great show, but you make a terrible woman!" Can't please everyone!

Left: Looking way too decadent here. I have to be careful. Since eye surgery in 1994, my left eye doesn't open quite as far as my right eye. So, to have eyes that match, the right eyelash should be just a bit farther out than the left eyelash. Here, it's the opposite (photo by Lavelle Lee).

Left: Self-portrait in the mirror, wearing the white tuxedo outfit.

Left: Half-prepared for the show, and holding a bouquet, people were amused by my ensemble - mesh stockings, sensible black shoes, and black long-sleeved shirt (photo by Dan Petersen).

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