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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Friday Night At "La Cage"

Left: Tim Stewart, in the ecstatic spirit of the Can-Can.

Left: Cagelles, left to right, Daryl Clark, Marissa Tidrick, Tim Stewart, Catherine Williamson (obscured), and Andrew Read.

On the near side, left to right, Kris Farhood as "Anne-genue", Brad Bong, and Marissa Tidrick. On the far side, Michael Manley, Nic Candito, Daryl Clark, Time Stewart, Andrew Read, Catherine Williamson (obscured). At top, Georges (Martin Lehman).

Left to right, Daryl Clark, Kris Farhood, Brad Bong, Andrew Read, and Marissa Tidrick.

Left: Clearly visible, left to right, Tim Stewart, Daryl Clark, and Catherine Williamson.

Left: Left to right, Daryl Clark, Tim Stewart, Kris Farhood, Brad Bong, and Marissa Tidrick.

Left: Marissa Tidrick and Tim Stewart.

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