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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fog Control - II. Mobile Seeding

Left: 0738 MST, 2/27/90. Stationary seeding vehicle at intersection of U.S. Highway 189 and State Road 113, near Charleston, NE of Provo Utah. Wasatch Mountain is in the background.

Here's my car, with a tank of liquid CO2 tossed in the back seat, and spraying the material from a nozzle situated on the top of the car.

Left: 1045 MST, 2/23/90. Stationary seeding vehicle at the Green River Bridge, near Jensen, ESE of Vernal, in northeast Utah.

It's dark and dim here in the fog!

I remember pulling up outside a convenience market on the eastern outskirts of Vernal, UT. A young tot yanked his father's pants leg and started shouting excitedly, "Daddy! Daddy! What is that? What is that, daddy?"

Daddy looked at my car and said, "Well, son, that is...uh....that's...um.... Well, son, I don't really know what that is!"

Left: 1148 MST 2/23/90. Optical effect observed at the Vernal Airport.

I like this photo. Not only can you see the halo produced by the presence of ice crystals in the air, but if you look closely, you can actually see the ice crystals themselves!

Left: 1012 MST, 2/23/90. 'Second' seeding effect, observed along U.S. 40 near Vernal Airport.

This was the best aerial photo of the 'canyon' produced in the fog by driving along U.S. Highway 40 and spraying liquid CO2 along the way.

I don't think the shadow in the foreground is real, however: the film was damaged somehow in the last eighteen years. But you can see the path I drove to get to the airport, by the trail left behind in the fog.

Left: 1015 MST, 2/23/90. 'Second' seeding effect, observed along U.S. 40 near Vernal Airport.

A second view of the 'canyon' in the fog.
Left: 0915 MST, 2/23/90. A particularly bright sundog in the seeded area along U.S. Highway 40, announcing the presence of ice.

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