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Friday, January 18, 2008

An E-Mail Exchange

Walt: First genital mutilation, now this.... Sources tell me that during the recent Mecca pilgrimage, Islamic college students persuaded young women to participate in a wet burqa contest!

Gabe: Marc may want to participate…

Marc: I am skeptical. After all, Saudi Arabia is a pretty dry place. Would they have enough water to get a burqa wet? But wasn’t it Rudyard Kipling who said nothing was as alluring as catching the eyes of a young, burqa-clad woman? With my new power false eyelashes, I can find out! So, watch out next time you see what you think is a woman in a burqa – it may be just me, in drag.

Gabe: I prefer Marc in a burqa – Compare:



Marc: Oooh! That is harsh, Gabe! The Sultan will play “Torturer’s Apprentice” using your teeth as a keyboard tonight!

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