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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Camera Phone Assists Rescue

Uses of technology:
PHOTOS sent from the mobile phone of a hiker lost with two teenagers in a Victorian national park were instrumental in rescuers finding the trio.

...Mr Valentine, an experienced bushwalker, raised the alarm at 5.30pm on Wednesday by phoning Halls Gap and Stawell police, prompting an air and land search. When his photos came through Grampians National Park ranger Andrew Dennis realised they were searching in the wrong area.

Early yesterday mobile phone contact resumed, and the group was finally seen by a helicopter.

"It was quite an adventure," Mr Valentine said. "When I was trying to describe where I was I thought, 'Well, take a photo and see if I can send it to someone'."

Inspector Martin Dorman said the area was very rugged, and without the use of the phone it might have taken them several days, rather than half a day, to find the group.

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