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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Awesome Paris

Richard Abowitz hearts Paris Hilton:
Paris arrived by striding onto the cushioned seat at the table. The crowd loved it. And Paris danced and danced on her seat for a long time before she sat down for the first time. She was there to dance, not to sit. And sitting was primarily done to sip her drink and then she was up again dancing. The crowd loved watching her, and a handful of media were allowed to stand in front of her, photographing every pose.

I was standing above and to the side of the fray remembering why I believe Paris Hilton is the greatest professional party-goer in the new Vegas nightlife. I am not smirking. When Paris Hilton is in a nightclub, she is not only having fun, she is acting out her fun to entertain the entire nightclub. I have often expressed my amazement at the money celebrities get to host events. But I do not doubt that they deserve to get paid, because the truth is that names sell tickets. And LAX is built out of a series of exclusive spots that people will spend thousands to own for a night in exchange for a view of Paris and Nicky Hilton. Some tables at LAX had reservation packages costing $20,000 for New Year's Eve, if you could get one. Whoever can spend that much money to look at the Hilton sisters probably deserves to have less money.

And when you live here, you are very aware that there are so many jobs created by places like LAX, Pure, Tao, the Bank and the other clubs that simply did not exist before the nightclub scene hit Vegas just a few years ago. A union server at LAX can support a family while working only three or four nights a week. That is the part people tend to forget when focusing on the decadence of the Vegas club scene.

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