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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Photos from The Space Shuttle Endeavour

Left: I was looking at the land surfaces far below, trying to figure out where they were, and I finally figured it out: New Zealand, with the South Island to the left, the North Island to the right, and looking down into the valley of the Waiau River.

Bruce Warren sends a link to some great photos:
Check out these space station pics that my sister, the scientist, ... , sent me. Apparently she has a friend whose sister works for NASA.
Great photos, Bruce!

Here’s more about this particular mission of Space Shuttle Endeavour, from late last summer.

Left: Very interesting pentagonal cellular convection, featuring cumulus clouds, over a vast, uniform sea surface.

It's amazing to see this kind of uniform convection over such a vast area!

Left: The nice, inviting eye of Hurricane Dean.

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