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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Fire Snark

Among the records destroyed in the electric-utility closet fire near the Vice President's ceremonial office:

Countless ... records and computer systems were apparently stored in the 3 foot by 3 foot utility closet, the content of which shall be revealed as destroyed as necessary pending any future investigations.
  • All RNC computer servers, back-up servers, and archival back-ups
  • The original Downing Street Memo and associated notes
  • Valerie Plame and the White House investigation of the leak (W.H. UPDATE: no records of Valerie Plame investigation destroyed as there was no investigation)
  • God’s personal correspondence with President Bush including those related to the invasion of Iraq
  • No-bid Halliburton contracts
  • War crimes committed by U.S. contractors in Iraq
  • Scuttling of the original Abramoff investigation, by the President
  • Federal court appointees and their qualifications and records
  • Negroponte’s activities in Iraq
  • Judith Miller’s embedded reporting and using her influence to override generals
  • Bombing Al-Jazeera television
  • Bribing and threatening of journalists and planting of stories in the U.S and Iraq
  • Stopping the NY Times from revealing White House secret spying on Americans
  • Jeff Gannon/Guckert
  • Terror alerts
  • The Vice Presidents Energy Task Force and all meetings dividing up Iraq’s oil fields pre 9/11
  • Enron and all related activities during California’s "energy crisis"
  • The Congressional records relating to passing legislation with last second changes, midnight votes, and the minority excluded from committee meetings.
  • The U.S. national debt and holders of the debt
  • The "Bin Laden determined to Strike in U.S." PDB
  • All copies of "My Pet Goat"
  • Extrication of Saudis after 9/11, especially Saudis named "Bin Laden"
  • Bush and Cheney’s joint un-sworn "conversation" with the 9/11 commission
  • Library checkout and Amazon shopping records of every American
  • Bin Laden’s actual location after he "escaped" from Tora Bora
  • Yellowcake documents from Niger
  • Attempts to dismantle PBS
  • Using American troops as speech props for Presidential speeches
  • Ohio voter suppression
  • Questioning the full faith and credit of the United States to scare people into dismantling Social Security
  • Payola related to the Medicare bill
  • Targeting and surveillance of peace lovers as terrorists
  • Duke Cunningham of San Diego and related bribes and treason
  • The U.S. Attorney firings of the U.S. Attorney who prosecuted Duke Cunningham and who was pursuing the investigation to the White House.
  • Tom Delay’s redistricting in TX and using anti-terror assets to track down legislators
  • Bush’s cocaine use and failure to take the ANG drug test
  • Bush’s Texas Air National Guard service
  • Bush’s Arbusto stock sale, Saudi bailout, and lack of SEC follow-up
  • Bush’s insider trading at Harken and Bush 41’s quashing of the investigation
  • Push-polling smear on John McCain during the 2000 Republican primary
  • All records of clients of the DC Madame
  • All IMs and emails between Republican congressmen and underage Congressional staffers
  • Iranian Nuclear Program National Intelligence Estimate
  • FEMA staged news conferences
  • New Orleans reconstruction contracts
  • Alberto Gonzales’ memory (and "meeting" with Ashcroft in hospital)
  • De-listed superfund toxic waste dump sites
  • Walter Reed facility maintenance
  • NASA’s evidence of global warming (redacted and sealed by the administration)
  • Looting of the Native American Trust Fund
  • Forensic reports from 2001 anthrax attacks against key Democrats and media
  • Dubai Ports deal
  • Under-funding of Russian loose nuclear materials security programs
  • Guidelines for putting American citizens on no-fly and terror watch lists
  • The Vice President’s red phone that directly connects the Vice-President’s office to the on-air Fox news desk (possibly salvageable)
And who would have thought?:

  • The original Nixon Tapes (!)
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