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Monday, November 19, 2007

Weekend Dreams

I had odd theater-related dreams all weekend long.

I have a recurring dream that under my house there are multiple levels of caverns and passageways, full of pits, dust, and spider webs. Saturday afternoon, taking a nap, I dreamt that dozens of zombie-like people were beating on the outside walls of the house, trying to get in (lawn workers were busy next door while I napped). I was at Level I under the house, and Steve was conducting a music rehearsal somewhere further below, maybe on Level III, with sad strings reminiscent of 'Nightmare Before Christmas', when the doorbell rang. I had fight past a shrewish young woman hiding below the front steps in order to answer the door. Surprisingly, Steve was at the door, and he said.....darn it, I forget!

Then I dreamt that there was an orange macaque quietly clutching a blanket on the floor in the corner of my kitchen (suggested by a headline I saw regarding some kind of monkey on the loose in Florida). When I tried to pull the blanket away (suggested by the shawl in Brigadoon's Funeral Dance), the macaque jumped into my arms (suggested by Lauren's 'Meg Brockie' jump into Michael's arms in Brigadoon), and ran outside with the blanket into the frigid cold (suggested by a story I was telling recently about a 1970/71 cold snap we once endured in NM, where we befriended a tailless stray cat, but the cat attacked our parakeet in the night, so we threw the cat outside into the cold) and took refuge behind a dormitory at the University of New Mexico (???)

There were more dreams too, but keeping them in memory is a chore.....

I need to get more rest.

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