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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Upcoming - "The Divas Lament"

Ryan Warren writes regarding the upcoming show that Flying Monkey Productions is putting together for December 22nd at Veteran's Memorial Theater in Davis: "The Divas Lament":
just wanted to update you on some stuff -

I will be producing a concert on Dec 22nd at the Veterans Memorial Theatre at 8pm. It's called The Divas Lament - it will feature young women singing broadway songs. The concert will feature Carly Ariela (formerly Wielstein), Kayla Berghoff, Inertia DeWitt, Kelley Jakle, Kristin Kelly (formerly Cunningham), Jacqueline Mietus, Ashley Mortensen, Julia Mosby, Kay Parker (formerly Hight), & Katherine Vanderford.
This looks like it will be an excellent show, featuring some of the strongest young divas of the area (and not just the best Divas of Davis, but the best Divas of the entire Sacramento area).

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