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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Treat The Qantas Staff Well

Take a deep breath and chill:
QANTAS staff have been booed by frustrated passengers at Brisbane Airport after leaving their check-in counters to assist an elderly woman who collapsed and died in the long queue.

...Julie Bignell, from the Australian Services Union, said that when staff heard of the woman's plight, two of them went to her aid but were booed when they closed their counters.

"There were only half the number of check-in points operating that morning because six staff had called in sick. The terminal was packed with about 1000 people and no one could move. The public didn't know what was going on," Ms Bignell said.

She said it was not particularly unusual for check-in staff to be booed or even spat on when they finished their shift and closed their counters during busy periods.

...More than 90 staff had left Qantas from the domestic and international terminals since September 2006, and there were "always people off on stress leave", Ms Bignell said.

"It's extremely stressful for staff when they have such big workloads, and now they've got people dying in the queues," she said.

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