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Thursday, November 15, 2007

More Weird WSJ Editorials

Matthew Yglesias has a better response that I would have come up with:
I used to hate George W. Bush but then I read this Peter Berkowitz column and calmed down: "And lord knows the Bush administration has blundered in its handling of legal issues that have arisen in the war on terror. But from the common progressive denunciations you would never know that the Bush administration has rejected torture as illegal." See, the Bush administration has rejected torture as illegal so here I've been wasting my time being upset that the administration has redefined various forms of torture as "not torture" and therefore legal. Oy.
And what's this in today's WSJ, with President Agim Ceku of Kosovo declaring his intention to announce Kosovo's independence on December 10th?
The Kosovo status process is reaching its natural conclusion. The present negotiations come to their appointed end on Dec. 10. This will create the atmosphere for a positive and collaborative declaration of independence and prompt recognition by the international community.
On the pages of the Wall Street Journal? Which bent over backwards in the mid-90's to oppose Clinton's military and peacemaking efforts in the Balkans, and make double-dead certain that Kosovo stayed under Serbian jackboots for eternity? My, how times change!

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