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Friday, November 09, 2007

Jim Carnes Hearts "Jekyll and Hyde"

At SacBee:
Tevye Ditter is commanding in the title role(s), singing in a big, rich baritone and accomplishing the macabre transformation from Jekyll to Hyde solely through hairstyle, facial expression and vocal nuance. As Dr. Jekyll, his hair is neatly pulled back into a ponytail; as Mr. Hyde, it falls loose and shaggy. Ditter gives Jekyll a clear, pure voice, and gives Hyde a bit of a rasp, both singing and speaking. He is impressive in both roles – and especially so in "Confrontation," in which he sings a rapid-fire duet with himself, instantly switching from one character to the other merely by facing in the opposite direction and flinging his hair. His performance is a tour de force.

Both of the main female characters have excellent voices. Emma, the socialite fiancĂ©e of Dr. Jekyll, is played with demure innocence by Norma-Jean Russell. The more showy part of Lucy, Hyde's delight, is played by Amber Jean Moore, who brings energy and a robust voice to the part of the prostitute. Her lustiness is evident in the song "Bring on the Men," one of the most memorable – and certainly the most blatantly sexual – scenes in the play. (Although there is a ticket price listed for children, "Jekyll & Hyde" is too dark and tragic – and racy – for younger audiences.)

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