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Friday, November 09, 2007

Hiding In Plain Sight

Byron, the manager at Subway, likes to play little pranks on me when I come in - smash my Fritos, for example, or steal my glasses. He always asks how DMTC is going, and whether my wife still likes to dance with billionaires (I lent him a tape of last year's "Titanic - The Musical", where I played 2nd-Class passenger, Edgar Bean, and Lauren Miller's portrayal of social-climbing Alice Bean left an indelible impression on him).

So, today, when I came in, I noticed that, with the lunchtime crowd and all, I somehow escaped his notice. He helped out the person in line in front of me, and the person behind me, but distracted as he was, and staring at his own feet, I didn't catch his eye. I quietly and meekly passed through the line without the other employees tipping him off to my presence, and sat down to eat. Despite his eagle-eyed managerial eye, he never even noticed.

Eventually, and with great surprise, he finally did notice me sitting in the restaurant. I started laughing and laughing at him and he started flinging pickle slices across the restaurant from behind the counter...

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