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Sunday, November 11, 2007

DMTC - "Brigadoon" Weekend

Busy weekend!

Saturday's show went quite well. Joe The Plumber came to see the show and was struck most by Shannon's performance in the Funeral Dance.

Sunday was a weird performance for me. I dropped one of Angus MacGuffie's lines and looked like an overly-stern vendor in the opening scene. Because several other lines got dropped, I spent an inordinate amount of time praying on the hill as walk-on Mr. Forsyth in the Mr. Lundie scene. I missed the entire "My Mother's Wedding Day" song and dance, because I started changing my clothes prematurely. Steve caught my error, but I goofed a second time. Instead of putting the original shirt back on to correct the first error, I put an altogether different shirt on, and simply ran out of time to correct the second error. I must be tired.......

Ben and Noel saw the show on Sunday. Answering my complaint about what I considered my own weak performance, Ben suggested the answer to a poor performance today is to simply stop the show and send the audience home, for another do-over tomorrow. This advice is based on an event that local actor R.M. once witnessed, whereby a famous stage actor actually did stop a show and sent everyone home, for a promised do-over (at least, until theater managers reasserted control and fired the misbehaving actor for insubordination). Advice comes with risks, it seems.

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