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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bogey's Closing

Sad story regarding the closing of Bogey's Bookstore in Davis. Independent bookstores are very important in the warp and woof of community intellectual life, and, despite the growth of the Web, most of humanity's store of knowledge is still, and likely will remain, in books.

I liked this quote, because it shows the independent aspect that is so important:
"I go for the quirky and unusual," Nemmers said. "We took a political slant and evolved the progressive liberal side of our store. I know we've alienated quite a few customers because of the kind of books we spotlighted – it's not going to be an Ann Coulter book.

"People in Davis socially and culturally are liberal and vote liberal, but on economic issues, they're quite to the right," Nemmers said. "But it's my store, and I'm going to run it the way I want to."

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