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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Tripping Over Religious Sensibilities

So, back in 1989, when I was living in Salt Lake City, I tell my friend, "I have a surprise for you when you come to visit!" So, he shows up, and we cross the street from where I was living, and surprise him with - a small graveyard, where Brigham Young is buried, with four of his wives! Yet this surprise was not a pleasing one to my friend. And why?:
According to tradition, anyone bearing the name Cohen or any of its variations is a direct descendant of the high priests, the kohanim, who can trace their lineage back 3000 years to Aaron, brother of Moses. As members of this ancient caste of priests, they are even today subject to strict limitations, one of which is being forbidden to enter cemeteries regarded as impure. In addition, in Israel, where there is no civil marriage ceremony, these Cohens are not allowed to marry divorced women or those converted to Judaism.
I was the surprised one that day. Actually, living in Utah provided plenty of opportunities for tripping over any number of religious sensibilities, around-the-clock.

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