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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Shortcut To The Outlet Mall

If I don't get hit by a bus, or knocked over pile of house clutter, I'll likely go this way:
Mary Ellen Walters, 68, and Ada Wasson, 80, were thought to be traveling to an outlet store in Carrollton, Ky. or Columbus when they left their retirement home in Lebanon on April 19, authorities said.

Family members, church members and authorities searched hundreds of miles of roads and rivers looking for Wasson's silver 2000 Chevrolet Impala.

On Sunday around 9 a.m., the Kentucky State Police said a hunter found Wasson's car on a farm on Carmen Creek Road in Campbellsburg, Ky. The farm field had not been used by the owner for several years.

...Authorities said it appeared that the women became lost.

"They've been there before, so I think they just missed their exit and they took a right, keeping the interstate on their right, thinking maybe there's a road that goes back to the outlet mall or back to the interstate, and they kept getting into these farm roads," Newsom said.

...Officials said Wasson apparently tried to walk to the interstate to find help. Her remains were found about 600 feet south of the car.

"One wheel did get stuck in a rut, (and) when they got down to the bottom of the ravine, (or) creek bed, they were finished at that point," Newsom said. "It would have been difficult for her, at her age, to make it (to the interstate.) She was trying. God love her, she was trying. But it just didn't work out."

...Shopping was a favorite activity of the two, and they preferred driving scenic highways rather than Interstate 71. That complicated the search, because there are multiple ways to get to Carrollton, including via Indiana, or to Columbus, 90 miles to the north of the retirement home.

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