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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sensing Trouble With Mark Anderson's Defense

I paid little attention to this case, and actually felt quite sympathetic to the argument that he should be allowed to continue work, until I read this short article on the Web:
A dentist accused of fondling the breasts of 27 female patients is trying to keep his dental license by arguing that chest massages are an appropriate procedure in certain cases.

Mark Anderson's lawyer says dental journals discuss the need to massage the pectoral muscles to treat a common jaw problem.

Police say Anderson said during recorded phone calls that he routinely massaged patients' chests to treat temporo-mandibular joint disorder, or TMJ, which causes neck and head pain.

...Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Phillips gave Lew three new complaints, including one from a 31-year-old woman who said Anderson fondled her at least six times over two years.

She took to wearing tight shirts with high necklines, "and Anderson would still get in under her shirt and bra," according to a police report.
Here is a more complete SacBee article.

Here is commentary by the trolls who dwell under the bridge over at Daily Rotten News (Slogan: News you cannot possibly use).

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