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Friday, October 19, 2007

More Stock Market Volatility

So erratic these days! A gentle decline would be best for everyone, but no! That's not what happens! One day it zooms to a new record, and another day (like today), it does a swan dive off a cliff. 20th anniversary of the 1987 stock market crash too!

I remember the 1987 crash. Friend Karl (a geologist with a fondness for metals) had started a new job, just three days before the crash, cold-calling folks and selling stocks on commission. I think he heard nothing but crickets chirping on the phone for several months before he finally bailed on his bright, promising new career.

Today is the first day in, oh, four years, that I checked my 401K asset allocation. All new contributions for the last two years or so, have been going into buying safe money market funds. So, those holdings have plumped up.

But the riskier capital funds have really been kicking ass lately, with one approaching 20% appreciation over the last year. Wonder how that happened? Utter ignorance is sometimes the best guide to future investment success.

So, today, of all days, one of the worst days in years for stocks, I changed things so all future 401K contributions will go to buying some of these kick-ass capital funds.

'Cause I got sheer ignorance working on my side!

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