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Friday, October 26, 2007

Even The Celebrities Are Embarrassed

Funny post:
Oh, the irony! Maria Shriver has announced that she will not be returning to her career in journalism because she is so disgusted by what television news has become in the wake of the Anna Nicole Smith imbroglio. Quoted in the Los Angeles Times, the First Lady of California said, "it was then that I knew that the TV news business had changed and so had I."

This is rich coming from a woman who spent a year doing "in-depth" stories on the OJ Simpson trial, and spent years doing the oh-so-hefty weekend Today Show?

...So the celebrity action star marries the celebrity mouthpiece, and announces his candidacy on her network (on a comedy show, yet), and they become the celebrity Governor and celebrity First Lady of the celebrity state. Well done, American Television Journalism! Couldn't've done it withoutcha! A state the size of major European countries has as its chief executive a man who has absolutely no experience in elected politics, courtesy entirely of the nature of celebritizing the news, and now his wife has decided that journalism has sunk below her standards!

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